
Hey, I'm Ashraf aka asnine. I'm an aspiring developer and recent SE grad, continously looking to hone my craft by building out simple, functional and elegant applications.

My passion ties towards creating services that can bring forward transformative changes to society, where the emergence of touch-based devices fascinated me as a kid.

I love exploring the latest and greatest in the tech sphere, where I value high-quality products that are utilitarian in nature, but also incorporate a sleek aesthetic.

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  • Of course, I forgot to add the license for the site. Not to fret, I’ve added it in the repo.

    Also, huge s.o. to Ephraim Duncan with the work he’s done on his site, he’s seriously outdone himself with the guestbook page.

    There’s just this unexplainable magic in seeing neat features packaged together so elegantly.


  • Life comes at you real fast. Here I was a couple days ago comparing the latest GPT-4o model to her, only for OpenAI to be forced to remove the “Sky” voice that had an eery resemblance to Scarlett Johansson’s voice. I’ll link Scarlett’s statement, but wow, just wow.


  • I know I’m a bit late to the party, but wow. That OpenAI keynote really spoiled Google’s party.

    I’m ngl, I got a bit worried with the emphasis on text-based prompts until now, but with GPT-4o, at least we’re not that far away from having a fully-fledged Jarvis in our pockets.

    Who would have thought that we’d end up getting Her along the way though?